Juiz Internacional de Tiro Esportivo, completando agora em janeiro, 40 anos de atividade.

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

2016 IPC Shooting World Cups

Find here dates and information about the 2016 
IPC Shooting World Cups:Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker
Classification/Equipment Control/Training Dates21-22 January 2016
Competition Dates23-27 January 2016
VenueAl Ain Shooting, Equestrian and Golf Club
Competition programme typeProgramme 1 (full programme)
LOC contact personRita KFOURY
LOC contact emailalain2016@aesgc.ae
LOC contact phone+971 3 7026407 (office); +971 55 9801210 (mobile)
First Entry (by number) Deadline30 November 2015, Entries via www.paralympic.org/entries
Final Entry (by name) Deadline21 December 2015, Entries via (1) www.paralympic.org/entriesand(2) Final Entry Booking Form
Further Information(1) General Information Package (2) Preliminary Schedule (3) Visa Support Form (4) Final Entry Booking Form
Classification/Equipment Control/Training Dates13-14 March 2016
Competition Dates15-18 March 2016
VenueSport Authority of Thailand (SAT)
Competition programme typeProgramme 1 (full programme)
LOC contact personNarumon SUBSRI
LOC contact emailnpcthailand@gmail.com
LOC contact phone+662 216 7728
First Entry (by number) DeadlineTo be confirmed
Final Entry (by name) DeadlineTo be confirmed
Further InformationDocuments to follow
InformationWe regret to inform you that this competition is CANCELLED. IPC Shooting and the LOC apologise for any disappointment and inconvenience caused.
Classification/Equipment Control/Training Dates28-29 April 2016
Competition Dates30 April - 3 May 2016
VenueSPORTS OBJECT, Litewska street 20, Szczecin
Competition programme typeProgramme 2 (air events only)
LOC contact personPatrycja WITKOWSKA
LOC contact emailstart-szczecin@post.pl &shooting.szczecin@gmail.com
LOC contact phone+48 91 383 74 30
First Entry (by number) DeadlineTo be confirmed
Final Entry (by name) DeadlineTo be confirmed
Further Information

Posted by 
Thom ErikSyrdahl
Documents to follow

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Twelve shooters to pay their way to Olympic qualifier in India BY AFTAR SINGH

Wednesday, 23 December 2015 | MYT 9:01 PM
From left: Hafiz Adzha, Hasli Izwan Amir Hasan, Ridhuan Mohamed and Khalel Abdullah are hoping to qualify for the Rio Olympics by paying their own way to the qualifying event in India next month.
From left: Hafiz Adzha, Hasli Izwan Amir Hasan, Ridhuan Mohamed and Khalel Abdullah are hoping to qualify for the Rio Olympics by paying their own way to the qualifying event in India next month.
KUALA LUMPUR: Trap shooter Bernard Yeoh will be among 12 shooters who will fork out their own money in their quest to secure Rio Olympic spots.
They will head to New Delhi for the Asian Olympic Qualifying event from Jan 25-Feb 3, which is the last competition for Asian shooters to win the 35 spots on offer. So far none of the Malaysians have managed to qualify for Rio.
The other shooters paying their own way are Hasli Izwan Amir Hasan, Hafiz Adzha, Khalel Abdullah, Ridhuan Mohamed (pistol), Charles Chen Seong Fook, Chu Sien Chau, Lim Soon Siang (trap), Eng Way Jin, Tengku Mohamed Akmal and father and son Edward Khor and Benjamin (double trap). 
They will only have to pay for their flight tickets and meals as the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) will bear the cost of accommodation and also the entrance fees.
Last month’s Asian Shooting Championships in Kuwait was supposed to offer qualifying status for the Rio Olympics but the International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the country over government interference just days before the competition.
National Shooting Association of Malaysia (NSAM) assistant secretary Muzli Mustakim said that most Asian shooters have spent money to compete in Kuwait.
“So the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) have decided to bear the cost of accommodation and also the entrance fee of RM700 per shooter.
“It is a fair decision by ISSF. The shooters will only pay for their flight and meals,” said Muzli.
“The NSAM will have a meeting in the next few days to finalise the shooters for New Delhi. We are expecting to send about 16 shooters.
“We have also given the green light to 12 shooters to pay their own passage to India,” said Muzli
Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source - http://www.thestar.com.my/

Reportagem com Roberto Schmits treinando para Jogos Olímpicos

Para ver a reportagem, clique no endereço abaixo que aparecerá o link da reportagem para você clicar novamente.

Portrait of the athlete

SCHMITS, Roberto - BRA nation flag  

Personal data:

Sport associated data:

GenderMClubClub de Atiradores de Canela
Year of birth1969Start of competing 
Place of birthNovo HamburgoPractising shooter since 
HometownCanela, BRAPersonal CoachCarlo Danna
ResidenceCanela, BRANational CoachCarlo Danna
Height (cm)187Handednessright
Weight (kg)90Master Eyeright
Marital statusmarriedEventsTR125
Children5Other sport activities 
Higher education Comments
ProfessionAdministration, Hunting and Fisching Guide  
HobbiesShooting, fishing, hunting  

Roberto já está em pleno treinamento e com certeza irá pedir ao Ppai Noel, uma medalha nos Jogos Rio 2016. Vamos torcer para que ele realize o seu desejo para 2016


sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2015

Primeira aparição da tocha Paralímpica emociona com experiência sensorial

Símbolo de celebração da diversidade vai passar pelas cinco regiões do Brasil antes da cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos em setembro de 2016
O ex-atleta Marcos Lima diz que design da tocha permite que ele 'veja' a paisagem do Rio  (Foto: Rio 2016/Alex Ferro)

“A tocha Paralímpica me permite ‘ver’ as formas da cidade. O cartão postal do Rio está aqui na ponta dos meus dedos”. Assim Marcos Lima, deficiente visual e especialista em Integração Paralímpica do Comitê Rio 2016, definiu a Tocha Paralímpica Rio 2016 lançada, nesta sexta-feira (11), no cinema Kinoplex São Luiz na Zona Sul da cidade. Na apresentação para convidados que incluiu nomes do esporte Paralímpico, como o nadador Clodoaldo Silva e o canoísta Caio Ribeiro, a plateia vivenciou, a partir da exibição de um vídeo sonoro, a experiência de um cego como condutor do revezamento da tocha. 
Tocha Paralímpica com texto em braile
Com design que valoriza a inclusão e apresentando as curvas do relevo do Rio de Janeiro de forma similar à da Tocha Olímpica, o objeto traz os valores Paralímpicos escritos em braile: na parte da pega, onde condutores vão segurá-la, está inscrito "coragem, determinação, inspiração e igualdade" em português e inglês. 
 "Depois dos Jogos Olímpicos, começa o grande evento esportivo do ano", brincou Andrew Parsons, presidente do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro, ao lado do prefeito do Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes e do presidente do Comitê Rio 2016, Carlos Arthur Nuzman. "Os Jogos Paralímpicos Rio 2016 são uma oportunidade de educação e legado. E a tocha irradia esses valores agregados", completou Parsons.
Nuzman destacou o trabalho conjunto entre os comitês Olímpico e Paralímpico do Brasil: "Estamos em um momento especial  da nossa caminhada. Nossos atletas são exemplos de força de vontade. Teremos Jogos espetaculares, de marcar época".  

Revezamento da tocha no Brasil

Na apresentação também foi anunciado o percurso do revezamento da tocha Paralímpica. Entre os dias 1º e 5 de setembro de 2016, a tocha vai passar por cinco cidades - uma de cada região do Brasil - até chegar ao Rio de Janeiro, em 7 de setembro, para a cerimônia de abertura. No roteiro está São Paulo, Belém, Natal e Joinville. Brasília ainda está para ser confirmada. "É o momento de envolver o país como um todo. Porque, apesar dos Jogos serem do Rio, eles são de todo o Brasil. Temos uma presença Paralímpica muito forte em todas as regiões do país. Joinville, por exemplo, tem iniciativas extraordinárias", ressaltou Parsons.

Valores Paralímpicos em braile

Ex-atleta de futebol de 5, Marcos Lima emocionou os convidados ao ler os quatro valores inscritos em braile na tocha. Acessibilidade é o diferencial da tocha Paralímpica: "Fizemos testes com deficientes visuais. Eles me diziam que nunca tinham conseguido saber como eram o Pão de Açúcar e o calçadão de Copacabana, mas que, ali, conseguiam 'ver'. Essa é a ideia: comunicar a todas as pessoas", disse o designer Gustavo Chelles, da empresa de design Chelles e Haiashi, um dos responsáveis pelo projeto.
A Tocha Paralímpica foi criada a partir dos mesmos conceitos da Tocha Olímpica, celebrando paixão e transformação, valores fundamentais dos Jogos Rio 2016. Elas se parecem e revelam suas diferenças apenas quando abertas. Os relevos sinuosos representam pontos altos e baixos na vida dos atletas. O movimento ascendente dá ideia da expansão dos limites do corpo humano. Há símbolos como o calçadão de Copacabana, a ondulação do mar e dos contornos de montanhas do Rio de Janeiro. O ponto mais alto, com a chama, representa o sol e o ouro Olímpico.
Imagem Rio 2016
Experiência sonora
No lançamento da Tocha Paralímpica, no cinema São Luiz, foi revelado um conteúdo especialmente produzido pela equipe audiovisual do Rio 2016: um vídeo sonoro, captado com técnica binaural (ou 3D), que provoca a percepção de sons vindos de diversas direções e permite ao espectador-ouvinte viver por alguns minutos a experiência de um condutor da tocha com deficiência visual. A narrativa sonora provoca a imaginação a partir de sons que a equipe de produção captou em locais como a praia de Copacabana e em estúdio, com atores ocupando espações diferentes.
Para a produção, com direção geral de Clara Eyer, foram necessários dois microfones separados por cerca de 18 centímetros, simulando o posicionamento dos ouvidos humanos. Algumas captações utilizaram também uma cabeça artificial, para tornar o efeito ainda mais real. A mixagem foi especial, destinando sons para determinadas lados, ou buscando o centro ou em movimento ao redor do ouvinte.
Postado por Thom Erik Syrdahl
Fonte = http://www.rio2016.com/

Cassio Rippel recebe o Prêmio Brasil Olímpico 2015
O atleta Cassio Rippel, que compete na carabina deitado, receberá nesta terça-feira, 15/12, o Prêmio Brasil Olímpico 2015, na modalidade tiro esportivo. Será a segunda vez que Cássio conquista o prêmio, a primeira foi em 2013. Contribuiu para a indicação os grandes resultados obtidos em 2015. Em duas etapas da Copa do Mundo, o brasileiro ficou entre os dez melhores. No Azerbaijão conquistou a nona colocação e em Munique, o quinto lugar. A consagração veio nos Jogos Pan-americanos de Toronto, Canadá, quando o atleta ganhou a medalha de ouro e conquistou a vaga olímpica para os Jogos Rio 2016. Nesta competição pan-americana o brasileiro venceu ninguém menos do que o líder do ranking mundial, o americano Michael McPhail e mostrou que podemos aguardar uma prova emocionante, na competição olímpica, em 2016.

"Keeping Athletes Committee at the heart of ISSF decision-making."


 Interview with Abhinav Bindra and Danka Bartekova

The ISSF Athletes Committee recently met in Munich. We talked with Abhinav Bindra - Chairman of the Committee - and with Danka Bartekova - IOC Athletes Committee's member - about the hot topics on the table.
The ISSF Athletes Committee met in occasion of the ISSF Committees meetings held in Munich on 22 and 23 November 2015. Discussions revolved around several topics such as a set of recommendations which were addressed by the ISSF Athletes Committee to the ISSF Championship Organizers, the fight against doping, the use of music during the competitions, equipment control measures, updates on the IOC Athletes Forum and the implementation of the IOC Agenda 2020, a document which will positively impact the world of sport. 

A full report about the meetings - the Athletes Committee Bulletin - is available for download on the ISSF website athttp://www.issf-sports.org/getfile.aspx?inst=202&pane=1&mod=docf&file=20151208_ISSF-Athletes-Committee-Bulletin.pdf 

During the meetings, we had chance to talk to Abhinav Bindra, the Chairman of the ISSF Athletes Committee, and to Danka Bartekova, a member of the IOC Athletes Committee, and to ask them about the hot topics on the table. 

Abhinav, what can you tell us about the meeting? Which were the main issues you have been discussing these two days? 

“The ISSF Athletes Committee has been in place for over a year now, and in this period we tried to make it a very good group of athletes and to keep all of them in the heart of the ISSF decision-making process. Our biggest challenge at the moment, in our sport and in all sports, is the complying of the IOC Agenda 2020, and how we can do it best. I think that all shooting athletes should log on the IOC website and read the Agenda, because it will definitely have an impact on our sport’s program, with the main topic being the gender equality.” Says Bindra, who chaired the meetings in Munich. “Shooting is a traditional sport with several events which proved to be very universal in the past years, so we have to find a balance between tradition and evolution, taking decisions that are in the best interest of athletes.”

How was the ISSF Athletes Committee involved in this process?

“The ISSF Ad-Hoc Committee is trying to find the best approach to comply the IOC Agenda 2020, and to do so they rely on our inputs and our opinions, considering any idea that comes from our Committees. We haven’t reached the decision-making stage yet, of course it’s a very challenging situation. Anyway, at the end of these two days we will send some basic recommendations, a basic framework of what we would like to suggest.” 

“I would like to point out that the first Committee that received the Agenda was the Athletes Committee.” Added Danka Bartekova. “The administration of the ISSF brought the Agenda 2020 to the athletes in January this year, so we are happy that the ISSF Athletes Committee is included in this process and that our opinion is important to them. And we’re glad that decisions are made keeping the best interest of athletes in mind.”

Talking about the  International Olympic Committee , Danka, you participated in the IOC Athletes Forum recently. What can you tell us about that? 

“Related to the Agenda 2020 topic I would like to use the words of the IOC President Dr. Thomas Bach, who said “It’s better to change than to be changed”. I think now we are in the situation where we are changing, and I’m happy that the Athletes are part of this process and have a voice in it.”

“We brought a lot of topic to the Athletes Forum, including, but not only, related to the communication and the rule 40 and 50 of the Olympic Charter, rules that define the commercial activities of the athletes and the commercial aspects of the venues.” 

“The IOC has gone ahead and relaxed rule 40, allowing athletes to have a personal campaign with his or her sponsor, also during the Olympic Games, off course under specific conditions.” Pointed out Bindra. “In terms of communication there are many informations available for athletes through the IOC platforms, the first of them being the Athletes’ Hub, which will allow Olympians to connect to each other. The second thing is the Athletes’ Learning Gateway, a place where all Shooting athletes can greatly benefit from. It offers a lot videos on how to improve performances, on how to shape one’s future. It’s available in four different languages and there’s a lot of inspirational and educational material.”

The IOC is going to launch its Olympic Channel. Danka, you are part of the IOC Commission which oversees the project. What are your feelings about it? 

The Olympic Channel is the next big project of the International Olympic Committee. In the first stage of development, it will be a multi-device online platform including all sort of contents from different sports. It’s definitely a chance to showcase our sports. At the same time, it will offer appealing tools to follow the athletes not only on the field of play but also behind the scenes and through their training routines. 

That’s sounds like a great opportunity…

Indeed it is. We know that the ISSF is working in collaboration with the IOC in the process of developing contents for the Channel. We, the athletes, are absolutely excited about this project: we support it and we are ready to be involved. 

Abhinav, the ISSF Athletes Committee looks very active. Is there a message you would like to pass forward to ISSF athletes? 

We are here to bring the voice of the athletes into the decision-making process of the International Shooting Sport Federation. Communication is power and we would very much like that all ISSF athletes engage with the Athletes Committee more so that we have your ideas and aspirations at the heart of all our discussions. Everybody please feel free to contact us at any time onathletes@issf-sports.org   

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source ISSF Website

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2015

The ISSF mourns the loss of Dr. Heinz Lösel, ISSF Blue Cross Honoree and ISSF Honorary Member

The ISSF mourns the loss of Dr. Heinz Lösel, an honored and distinguished colleague, who passed away on December 15, 2015 at the age of 96 years.
Dr. Lösel served the ISSF for almost three decades, becoming a reference for all medical matters within the Shooting sport family.

Heinz had begun his activities in the shooting sports as a passionate athlete. He was an avid student in the field of sports medicine, sports psychology and sports didactics, and authored several medical publications for the ISSF News magazine, including his German books on performance enhancements in the shooting sport. Through the years, he became the doctor of the German National Shooting Team, then of the European Shooting Confederation, and finally joined the International Shooting Sport Federation.

During the ISSF General Assembly held in Seoul in 1978, he was elected as Chairman of the ISSF Medical Committee, a body he led for 28 consecutive years, giving a determinant contribution to the development of our beloved sport with passion and dedication.

In 2006, our friend Heinz was nominated an ISSF Honorary Member, and kept on following all ISSF activities until today. During the last years he kept in contact with the ISSF Headquarters in calling regularly to hear the latest news.

In recognition of his distinguished service to our Federation, Dr. Lösel was awarded the ISSF Gold Medal in 1982, and later in 1986 the ISSF President  Olegario Vazquez Rana honored him with the President’s Button and the ISSF Blue Cross, the ISSF’s highest award of distinction for outstanding service.

Heinz Lösel lived a full life dedicated to the shooting sports and the Shooting sport family has many great memories of him. The ISSF has lost one of its most active and dedicated officials, and we extend our sincere condolences to his family as well as to Heinz’s many shooting friends in Germany and around the world.

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source ISSF

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2015

XIIth Africa Shooting Championship succesfully conducted in Cairo (EGY)


12th African Championship · Cairo, EGY
The competition took place in the shadow of the Giza Pyramid from November 29th trhough December 6th.
The XIIth African Shooting Championships were successfully conducted in Cairo, Egypt on 29 November through 6 December.  Athletes from 16 African countries competed for African Championship titles and Olympic quota places in 15 Olympic events. 
The African Shooting Sports Federation and the Egyptian Shooting Federation – chaired by Mr. Ahmed Hazem Hosny - organized the Championship. Rifle and Pistol events were conducted at the historic Armed Forces Shooting Range located in the shadow of the iconic Giza Pyramids, on the lines that hosted the 1962 World Shooting Championship.  Shotgun events were conducted at the 6th of October Shooting Range that previously hosted the 2001 World Championship. 
The Championship began with a spectacular opening ceremony on 29 November.  Speakers at the ceremony were Organizing Committee Chairman Ahmed Hazem Hosny, ISSF Vice President and Technical Delegate Gary Anderson and the Egyptian Minister of Youth and Sports, Khaled Mahmoud Abdel Aziz.  The ceremony featured a high-tech sound, light and graphic presentation, traditional dances, music provided by famous Egyptian singers, a full dinner for all delegates and youth-oriented dancing.
The Championship received strong support from the Egyptian government and Armed Forces.  Another government executive, the Minister of Investment, Ashraf Abdel Tawwab Salman, visited the 6th of October Shotgun Range and fired a ceremonial “first shot” before the start of the first day of Shotgun competition.  Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, the Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports visited the Armed Forces Ranges and presented awards after the fourth day of competition.
Sixteen African nations participated in the Championship, which represented the last chance to qualify for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for the shooters of Africa. 
The African Shooting Sports Federation under the leadership of its President Hazem Hosny is working very hard to promote the shooting sport on the continent, both to build active programs in more countries and to organize coach and judge training courses to develop leaders.  The fact that four of the 14 Olympic quota winners in the Championship were juniors, Afaf ELHODHOD (EGY), 19; Hadir MEKHIMAR (EGY). 18; Ahmed MOHAMED (EGY), 19 and Chafik BOUAOUD (ALG), 16, is evidence that the African Federation’s developmental efforts are succeeding.
Fourteen Olympic quotas were distributed in the competitions.  Egyptian athletes won the most Olympic slots, 10, but athletes from Algeria, Namibia, Tunisia and Zimbabwe also secured a pass to Rio de Janeiro.  Athletes in the 15th Olympic event, Skeet Women, faced very difficult conditions during the match, and no one obtained the Minimum Qualification Score set for the event, and so that quota could not be distributed. 
After 15 events, it was host nation Egypt that finished atop of the medal standings, winning the most African Championship medals, but athletes from 10 different African nations stepped onto Cairo’s podium, once again demonstrating shooting’s universality.
The next slots for the 2016 Olympic Games will be awarded at the Asian Olympic Qualifying Competition for Shooting to be held in New Delhi (IND) in January, and at the European Championship in 10m events which will take place in Gyor (HUN), next February. 

Date Event Name Country 
30 Nov 10m Air Rifle Men Chafik Bouaoud ALG 
10m Air Rifle Women Hadir Mekhimar EGY 
50m Pistol Men Samy Abdel Razek EGY 
Trap Women Gaby Diana Ahrens NAM 
1 Dec25m Pistol Women Olfa Charni TUN 
Trap Men Abdel Aziz Mehelba EGY 
2 Dec 50m Rifle Prone Men Ahmed Darwish EGY 
10m Air Pistol Men Ahmed Mohamed EGY 
3 Dec 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Ahmed Shaban EGY 
Double Trap Men Michael Sean James Nicholson ZIM 
4 Dec 10m Air Pistol Women Afaf Elhodhod EGY 
6 Dec50m Rifle 3 Positions Men Hamada Talat EGY 
50m Rifle 3 Positions Women Nourhan Amer EGY 
Skeet Men Franco Donato EGY 

Posted by Thom Erik Syrdahl
Source  ISSF Website